Community Boost Community Boost

Community Boost

Whatnot Support Whatnot Support

Community Boost is a fun way for your community to support you by amplifying the discoverability of your show. Community Boost contributions work like tips but instead count towards a mid-show promotional boost, equivalent to a Show Boost that you could otherwise purchase yourself, but with exclusive benefits and visual highlights.

How it works

Contributions combine together towards a goal: A viewer or buyer can choose to give you a Community Boost contribution, which will count towards a special type of Boost that is only available for viewers or buyers to buy. Multiple buyers can contribute small amounts to pool their contributions together. 

Reaching the goal activates the Boost: Once there are enough contributions to kick off a boost in the show category you are streaming in, the Boost will activate!

Boosts bring in new viewers to your show: New viewers will see that you have received a unique type of boost in the For You Feed, Category pages, and other surfaces with a special animated show border to highlight the moment. 

How to leverage Community Boost

Community Boosts are a great time to do something special in your show, due to a surge of new viewers. You can take full advantage of these moments by:

  • Introducing yourself to new viewers about who you are and what you sell
  • Starting a special auction or pinning a Buy-It-Now item to show it to a larger audience
  • Running a unique giveaway to encourage new viewers to follow you

The recommendation system will prioritize you in subsequent shows when you are able to drive engagement (watch time, bids, purchases, etc) from the new viewers coming in, so make sure to put your best foot forward!

Things to Know About Community Boost

  1. Community Boosts last 15 minutes and receive a special visual border around the show tile. You may or may not see the visual border on the show as a seller, depending on where the show is ranked for your own recommendations.
  2. Boosting is optional and does not replace tipping! You may prefer one versus the other and feel free to tell your community which you’d prefer. 
  3. Contributions will count towards the next Boost goal across multiple scheduled shows. If the Boost doesn’t kick off in the current show, the contributions will be valid for up to 30 days from the first contribution.  
  4. Goals reset to $0 after the boost ends. 
  5. Boost Contributions don’t count towards Rewards Club spend thresholds at this time. 
  6. “Booster” badges will be added to the contributor name for the current show, but will not be present in subsequent shows. 
  7. Mods will not receive a “Booster” badge if they contribute to Community Boost right now, due to constraints on space in chat. 
  8. Goal thresholds are variable and based on the category that you are streaming in. Neither buyers or sellers can choose the goal threshold, they are automatically picked based on the demand for promotion across the ecosystem. 
  9. Sellers will be able to see who contributed towards the Goal up until the threshold is reached and the boost ends. 
  10. Only Community Boosts are eligible for the special animated border in Whatnot discovery surfaces and are differentiated from regular promotions by the “Booster by Viewers” add in addition to the animation around the show tile. 
  11. Sellers will not directly receive the money from the Community Boost, but instead receive the equivalent value of the goal in promotion and higher visibility within discovery surfaces. The Whatnot promotion system is designed to bring in new viewers who aren’t already a member of your community. On average, promotion tools (including Community Boost) help bring in 30% more first-time buyers to your shows
  12. You cannot disable Community Boost on your shows at this time. If you prefer tips, simply ignore any Community Boost contributions and reinforce with your community that you’d prefer tips. 
  13. You will receive an impression estimate for Community Boosts that activate on your channel. Not all analytics will be similar between Community Boost and other promote tools. 
  14. Sellers are restricted from contributing to their own Community Boost goals and making alternate accounts for the sake of “astroturfing” Community Boost is strongly discouraged and may lead to action on your account, including restricted eligibility for all promotion tools. 

Contributions are final sale (no refunds), with one exception due to inactivity 

If a Community Boost goal is not reached within 30 days of the first contribution towards the goal, all contributions will be automatically refunded to the original payment method, to ensure that buyers are protected in the event a seller is not streaming anymore.