Upload Products via CSV Upload Products via CSV

Upload Products via CSV

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Important things to know:

  • For your CSV, the values in Category, Sub Category, Type, Condition, and Shipping Profile are sensitive and need to match the allowable values on Whatnot. You can find these values under the Values tab in the template file linked below.

Creating a CSV file 

  1. Select the relevant CSV template below 
    • All non-Coins US, AU, and NL sellers use this CSV template
    • All Coins sellers should use this CSV template as it contains the required Product Type attribute for Coins 
    • All UK sellers should use this CSV template
    • All German sellers should use this CSV template
    • All French, Belgian sellers should use this CSV template
  2. Click File > Make a Copy.
  3. Fill out the template with your inventory using Google Sheets (do not export into Excel). Provide the following info for each item:
    • Category: Provide the category for each item. The value provided in this column needs to match one of the values provided under the Categories column in the Values tab of the template.  
    • Sub Category: Provide the sub-category for each item. The value provided in this column needs to match one of the values provided under the Sub-categories column in the Values tab of the template.  
    • Title: Provide the name of each item. 
    • Description: Describe the condition of each item.
    • Quantity: Provide the total number you have in your inventory for each item (must be at least 1). 
    • Type: Specify if the item is for an Auction, Buy It Now, or Giveaway
    • Price: Provide the price of each item. For auction items, this value acts as the starting price. 
    • Shipping Profile: Provide the weight for each item. The value provided in this column needs to match one of the values provided under the Shipping Profile column in the Values tab of the template. Note: Please do not provide custom weights that don’t match the values provided in the template.
    • Offerable: Available for Buy it Now items, buyers can make an offer on these items. Not available for all sellers.
    • Condition: Specify the condition of the item for applicable categories
    • Image URL 1, Image URL 2, ... , Image URL 8: Image URLs for publicly-available images associated with the product. There can be up to 8 images. Please note: images that are password-protected or require a login will not work. Examples of image services sellers have used are ImgBB, Imgur, and WeTransfer.
  4. Click File > Download > CSV. Save the file on your computer.

Uploading a CSV file

There are two ways to upload a CSV file: (1) On Seller Hub, you can upload into your inventory where you can then add products to upcoming shows and publish across Whatnot; or (2) You can upload directly into the current show as Temporary Listing.

Using Seller Hub

  1. Go to whatnot.com/dashboard/inventory on your web browser.
  2. Click the Upload CSV icon (it’s the one that looks like a cloud with an arrow in it).

  1. Upload your CSV file and click Import.

  1. Once the products are created, update the drafts and then either add to a show or publish across Whatnot!

Note: Your products must contain images to use the Seller Hub CSV upload. If your products don’t have images, please follow the instructions for In a Show.

In a Show

  1. Go to whatnot.com on your web browser.
  2. Schedule your livestream.
  3. Click on the profile icon in the top right-hand corner. Select My Livestreams.
  4. Click Open Stream under the livestream you want to upload the CSV file to.
  5. Click the Add button at the bottom of the left panel.
  6. Choose "Create Temporary Listing"
  7. Choose to upload the CSV under Auction, Buy It Now, or Giveaway.


Are images required to use CSV Upload?

No, images are not required - you can upload CSV files without image URLs, and they will result in draft listings. However, in order to publish products from Seller Hub they will need to have images - you can always add them later to your draft listings.

On the other hand, uploading a CSV in a show never requires images.

Can I use CSV Upload to publish across Whatnot (rather than just in upcoming shows)?

Yes, you can use Seller Hub’s CSV Upload to publish across Whatnot as well as add products to specific upcoming shows.

Can I add other attributes to my products?

If you are uploading Coins & Bullion products, you can add certain attributes with the CSV template. More attributes and fields will be added in the future, so please check back regularly.

My image URLs aren’t loading; what can I do?

Image URLs must be publicly accessible on the internet, they can’t be password protected or only available on your local computer. An easy way to check is to paste one of your image URLs into an Incognito or Private Mode browser session and make sure you can see it.  Examples of image services sellers have used are: ImgBB, Imgur, and WeTransfer.