This article discusses the expected shipping time for items shipped domestically in the US.
We ask sellers to ship orders within two business days from the date of purchase to make sure your item arrives on time.
A shipped item will take 7-12 days, on average, to arrive at your doorstep after the seller ships it.
If your tracking stops receiving updates, we recommend contacting the shipping provider. If they can’t locate the package and there hasn’t been a tracking update for 14 or more days, you can request a refund from the Order Status page or click here to reach out to our Support team.
You can see a typical timeline for domestic shipping below.
Average Shipping Time by Service Level
Please note, the time a package is in transit can be impacted by a package's point of origin and its final destination. These average shipping times are after the seller has shipped the package. It generally takes 1-2 days for sellers to package and ship items.
Service Level |
Average Shipping Time |
USPS First-Class Mail | 5-14 Calendar Days |
USPS Priority Mail | 4-12 Calendar Days |
USPS Flat-Rate Boxes | 4-12 Calendar Days |
USPS Ground Advantage | 6-14 Calendar Days |