Tracking the Status of your Order Tracking the Status of your Order

Tracking the Status of your Order

Whatnot Support Whatnot Support

This article discusses how to find and track the status of your purchased orders on your mobile device (iOS and Android), desktop, or web browser.

Tracking the Status of your Order on Mobile

  1. Open the Whatnot app on your mobile device. 
  2. Tap the activity icon in the bottom left-hand corner.
    Activity Tab.PNG
  3. Tap the Purchases tab
  4. Tap the purchase you want to track.
  5. Tap Track your purchase. This will open the order’s tracking info in your mobile web browser.

Tracking the Status of your Order on a Desktop or Web

  1. Go to on your web browser.
  2. Click the profile icon in the right-hand corner, then Purchases under the Buying tab.
    Purchases Web.png
  3. Under the Purchases tab, select the order you want to track.
    Purchase tab web.png
  4. Click Shipping in the Order Tracker section. This will open the order’s tracking info.
    Tracking Web.png

To learn more about expected shipping times, visit this article