Whatnot Knives Policy Whatnot Knives Policy

Whatnot Knives Policy

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Whatnot Knives Policy 

Whatnot limits the types of knives that can be sold (or given away), as well as where they can be sold.

  • US, Canada and German only: Knife sales are only permitted domestically within the US, Canada, or Germany. Knife sales are prohibited in other jurisdictions.
  • No cross border sales: No international sales of knives are permitted. The buying and bidding function is disabled for non-domestic buyers in the Hunting & Knives category.
  • Comply with laws: Sellers are responsible for ensuring their sales are lawful in the buyer's place of residence, as well as in their own.
  • Prohibited knives: The following types of knives cannot be sold on Whatnot:
    • Mechanical release knives, such as switch blades, or automatic blades
    • Hidden/disguised knives such as belt buckles knives
    • Ejectable or propellable blades such as ballistic knives
    • Centrifugal force-opened knives such as gravity, butterfly, or ballisong knives
  • Safe display: When displaying and selling knives, we expect you to be safe and responsible in how you demonstrate their use.
  • Secure shipping: When shipping permitted knives, they must be securely packaged in a strong container, with sufficient inner packaging and cushioning to protect the sharp points and edges from cutting through outer packaging, or otherwise cutting anyone handling or opening the package. Please see USPS’ packaging requirements for knives.
  • Replica or decorative swords: Replica and decorative swords are permitted to be sold domestically within the United States, provided the seller ensures compliance with all laws in both the seller's jurisdiction and the buyer’s jurisdiction. Sharp-edged swords sold for use as a weapon are prohibited.

For more information or any questions, please reach out to trustandsafety@whatnot.com.