Scheduling and Hosting a Private Stream Scheduling and Hosting a Private Stream

Scheduling and Hosting a Private Stream

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Private stream allows you to go live without being visible in the Home feed or notifying your followers that you've gone live. However, anyone with a link to the stream or who bookmarked the show before it was set to a private stream can still join. It's important to note that users who have the link to the private stream can also share this link with others. This means that even users who didn't receive the link directly from the host may still be able to enter the stream.

There are two ways to enable a private stream:

  • While scheduling a livestream, turn on Private Stream within the scheduling settings.
  • On previously scheduled livestreams, use the app on your web browser to enable Private Stream for those shows. 

If you want to start a discoverable livestream after using a Private Stream, you will have to disable Private Mode or schedule another livestream. 

Important notes: 

  • Scheduled private stream settings can only be changed via the web browser.
  • You can restart a private stream up to one hour after it ends. 
  • Users that bookmark a scheduled show that is later set to be a private stream will still receive a push notification
  • Items listed in a private livestream are real items, and buyers in the private livestream will be charged if they purchase an item.

Turning On or Off Private Stream while Scheduling a Livestream

When you schedule a livestream, you can also turn on Private Stream so you can test your stream before going live. 

  1. Open the app on iOS and desktop, or go to on your web browser.
  2. Schedule your livestream
  3. Configure your livestream settings as needed. 
  4. Under Scheduler, click or tap Private Stream.
  5. Once you’re done setting up your livestream, click or tap Schedule

Turning on Private Stream for Previously Scheduled Livestreams

If you have previously scheduled livestreams you want to enable Private Stream on, you can do so on your web browser.

  1. Go to on your web browser. 
  2. Click on the profile icon in the top right-hand corner. 
  3. Click on My Livestreams.
  4. Select Enable Private Mode.

To disable Private Mode, follow the same steps as above and click Disable Private Mode

Starting a Private Stream

  1. Go to the livestream that has Private Stream turned on. You’ll know you’re in a private stream when it says “You are in a Private show” (on mobile) or “IN PRIVATE MODE” (on desktop and web) on your screen.

  2. Click Start Stream (on desktop and web) or tap Start Show (on iOS).
  3. Test your stream as needed. To share your stream;
    • Desktop/web: 
      1. Click Copy next to your stream URL in the top right-hand corner of your stream.
      2. Share that URL with anyone.
    • Mobile: 
      1. Tap Share on the right-hand side of your screen. 
      2. Choose how you’d like to share the link to your private stream. 

Ending a Private Stream 

  1. In your private stream, click or tap the More three-dot icon.
  2. Click or tap End Show
  3. Confirm that you want to end your show. 

If you end a private stream and want to restart that livestream with private mode turned off, visit Restarting a Livestream to learn more. You must restart the livestream within an hour after the livestream was ended.