At the end of a livestream, sellers can raid another livestream and bring their viewers with them. Raiding another channel is a fun way to keep your audience engaged, help other sellers, and help grow your community.
We recommend using the raid feature only once you’re ready to end your stream. Raiding another livestream will automatically end your livestream.
Starting a Raid on Mobile
- Open your livestream on your iOS mobile device.
Start a raid using one of the following methods:
Tap the down-facing arrow at the top right, then tap Create a raid. This will open a chat field with /raid @ at the beginning of the chat.
OR -
Tap into the chat field, then type /raid @ into the field.
Tap the down-facing arrow at the top right, then tap Create a raid. This will open a chat field with /raid @ at the beginning of the chat.
- Enter the username of a seller currently live after the @ symbol. For example: /raid @whatnotuser.
Tap Send on your mobile keyboard to start the raid. A notification will pop up on your livestream, informing your viewers of the upcoming raid.
Tap Raid Now, then Continue to confirm the raid and send your viewers to the designated livestream.
The seller you raid will receive a message in their chat notifying them that they are being raided. For example: “yourfavoriteseller is raiding with a party of 1."
Starting a Raid on Your Web Browser
- Go to on your web browser and open your livestream.
- Click the More three-dot icon in the bottom right-hand corner of your stream.
- Click Seller Tools.
Select Start Raid. This will add /raid @ in the chat window.
- Enter the username of a seller currently live after the @ symbol. For example: /raid @whatnotuser. A window will appear detailing the livestream you plan on raiding.
Click Raid Now to confirm the raid and send your viewers to the designated livestream.
Leaving a Raid
To opt-out of a raid, you can leave the livestream before the raid is initiated. Raiding another livestream will also end your current live show, so make sure you’re ready to end your livestream before raiding another seller.
Receiving a Raid
When a seller raids you, you will receive a message in your chat notifying you that you’re being raided. For example: “yourfavoriteseller is raiding with a party of 1.”
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Articles in this section
- Show management for Whatnot Sellers
- Seller and Moderator Livestream Commands
- Inviting a Co-host to your Live
- Multicasting on Whatnot
- Restarting a Livestream
- Raiding Another Livestream
- Running a Giveaway During a Livestream
- PSA Grading Overview
- Using Two Devices While Live
- Choosing Quantities when adding a New Listing
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