Whatnot & The EU Digital Services Act Whatnot & The EU Digital Services Act

Whatnot & The EU Digital Services Act

Whatnot Support Whatnot Support

The Digital Services Act (DSA) is an EU law that regulates the obligations of online marketplaces and other platforms and services in their roles of connecting users with goods, services and content. The DSA seeks “to create a safer digital space in which the fundamental rights of all users of digital services are protected.” At Whatnot, we share this commitment to ensuring our platform is a safe place for our users, that your rights are upheld, and that you have sufficient insight with respect to how we operate our platform. In the spirit of transparency, and in compliance with the DSA, we make the following disclosures:

Monthly Active Users

According to Article 24 (2) of the DSA, online platforms must regularly disclose details about the 'average monthly active users of the service' within the EU, with a minimum frequency of every six months. This disclosure is essential to ascertain whether the online platform qualifies as a 'very large online platform' (VLOP), defined as having an average user base of at least 45 million individuals per month in the EU, equivalent to roughly 10% of the EU population. VLOPs are subjected to additional obligations due to their significant role in content dissemination across the EU.

We monitor a running count of our monthly active users. As of the date you are accessing this disclosure, our number of average monthly active users in the EU is well below the 45 million user threshold required for classification as a VLOP.

We commit to ongoing monitoring of the average monthly active users of our platform in the EU, and we will provide any updated information on our monthly active user count at least every six months, in adherence to the requirements outlined in Article 24(2) of the DSA

Content Restrictions

All relevant information regarding the content restrictions imposed by Whatnot can be found in our applicable Terms of Service, as well as our Community Guidelines and other platform policies, which are incorporated into the Terms of Service by reference. 

Content Recommendations

The main parameters we use to recommend content to you, such as to suggest sellers, live streams, or item listings on Whatnot that might interest you, are (1) the categories of items you select as of most interest to you when you sign up for Whatnot, (2) the Sellers you choose to follow, and (3) the types of shows and products with which you have historically engaged or transacted on Whatnot. The purpose of these criteria are to assist us in providing you with the content that is of most interest to you, and to better streamline and personalize your experience on Whatnot. You may influence your content recommendations by following and unfollowing sellers. You can also update “Customize Your Interests” page in the Whatnot mobile app by going to your Home screen and clicking on the 4 dots in the top left corner.

Annual Reports

We will publish our first annual report by February 17, 2025. 

Contact Info

Users wishing to contact us regarding the DSA or submit a notice using the webform located here.

Applicable EU governmental authorities and trusted flaggers (as defined in the DSA) may submit a notice or other communication relating to the DSA by writing to us at dsarequests@whatnot.com. By contacting this email address, you certify that you are an EU governmental authority or trusted flagger. We will not process communications sent to this email address by individuals or organizations that are not applicable governmental authorities or trusted flaggers.

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