We strive to create a great buying experience on Whatnot. Therefore, it’s important our luxury sellers follow the best practices below. First, always verify the authenticity of your items to prevent counterfeit goods from being sold. Second, be sure to share any flaws or defects in your products. This way, buyers have a clear understanding of what they'll receive, ensuring a smooth and trustworthy transaction for everyone involved.
Always follow our community guidelines
Selling counterfeit goods on Whatnot is strictly prohibited.
- Buyers are protected by a 100% money-back authenticity guarantee on Whatnot.
- If you see anything on the platform that is suspected counterfeit, please report it in-app.
- Sellers may not sell anything that infringes on copyright / trademarks, has unauthorized use of logos, “inspired” goods, etc.
- Sellers should be 100% sure of the authenticity of an item before selling it on the platform.
- We recommend that sellers use a third party authenticator like Entrupy or Real Authentication.
- Selling counterfeit goods can lead to penalties including being charged back, suspended, or banned from Whatnot.
Misrepresented Condition - Luxury Handbags & Accessories
When buying luxury bags and accessories on Whatnot, it’s the buyer’s responsibility to understand the below terminology for describing each item’s condition and flaws.
When selling luxury bags and accessories on Whatnot, it’s the seller’s responsibility to state the condition of each item and disclose any flaws it may have.
Whatnot recognizes six states of condition for luxury bags and accessories:
- New with Tags
- Excellent
- Very Good
- Good
- Fair
- Poor
The seller must verbally state the condition of the bag/accessory they’re selling or indicate the condition using the title, description, or condition field of the listing.
- It is advised to both call out the damage verbally and show it on camera whenever possible.
- If an item is being sold in the Marketplace, the description and images of the item should capture any material flaws.
If an item is New, Sellers must disclose all minor flaws on the item. However if the item is Pre-Owned, it is assumed that there may be small scratches or signs of wear throughout, and the seller does not need to disclose each minor flaw.
Regardless of condition, sellers must verbally state any major flaws or indicate them using the description field of the listing.
Potential major flaws include:
- Scratches / marks
- Tarnishing / Hardware Scratches
- Corner Wear / Rubbing
- Strap Wear
- Losing Shape / Misshapen
- Stains / Discoloration (Interior)
- Creasing
- Odors: Must disclose if there is an odor
Common locations of damage in luxury bags and accessories include, but are not limited to:
- Corners / Armpits: Must show all the corners and the armpit. Show any wear, rubbing, or nicks.
- Hardware: Show any tarnishing, scratching, or mechanical issues, i.e., snap doesn’t close.
- Edges /Handles: Must show if there is any cracking, this is extremely common on the edging of Goyard and the vachetta of Louis Vuitton.
- Interiors: Open all pockets and show linings. Note if any of the pockets are sticky.
Sellers must also disclose any repairs made to the item. If no repairs are mentioned, it’s assumed no repairs have been made. Thus, items with any undisclosed repairs will be deemed misrepresented.
Selling goods in misrepresented condition can lead to penalties for sellers, including being charged back for the items or suspension or ban from Whatnot.
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Articles in this section
- Adding and Scanning Graded Items to Sell in a Livestream or Profile Shop
- Apparel on Whatnot: Best Practices
- Multi-Slab Scanning
- Cloning Items
- Sneakers Best Practices
- How to Create Video Listings [Beta Mode]
- Coins and Money Best Practices
- Luxury Bags & Accessories - Condition Disclosure Best Practices
- Jewelry Best Practices
- Marketplace-Only Sellers FAQs
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