Buyers can make offers to your Buy it Now items in the Marketplace and in livestreams. Sellers can accept, deny, or make counter offers to the buyer.
How to enable offers for Marketplace listings:
Enabling offers on your Buy it Now items in the Marketplace allows buyers to negotiate with you.
- List a new item or edit an existing one.
- Tap on the “Enable Offers?” toggle.
How to enable offer for livestreams listings:
In livestreams, enabling offers on your Buy it Now items streamlines the process of offers and helps you avoid all the messy back-and-forth of negotiating via chat.
- Go to your scheduled livestream.
- Create a new Buy it Now listing or edit an existing one.
- Under the “Selling Details” page, tap on the “Enable Offers?” toggle.
When “Enable Offers?” is on, buyers will see an Offer button below any listing in the live store. This button is available in your shop, on the pinned-product view, and with that item’s details page.
Note that any products imported from your shop into a livestream will have offers turned on by default.
Finally, if you use our CSV-upload feature, enter TRUE in the Offerable column to ensure that uploaded products will accept offers. See this CSV template for the updated fields.
Managing Offers in a Livestream
When you receive an offer on a listing in your livestream, you have 3 options:
- Accept the highest offer
- Counter offer a different price
- Reject all offers
Managing Offers from a Marketplace listing
From the mobile app:
- Tap the Profile icon in the bottom right corner.
- Select the Menu (two-lines icon) in the top right corner.
- Under the “Selling” menu, tap “Offers”.
- Choose to accept, deny, or counter offer
From the web:
- Select the Profile icon in the top right corner
- Select the "Selling" tab and click "Orders"
You will be able to see any offers for your listings on the order's page. The status "waiting for seller" means the offer is waiting to be accepted or denied.
Once an offer is accepted, you can print the shipping label and send the item!
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Articles in this section
- How to list products on Whatnot
- Whatnot Listing Guidelines
- Adding and Scanning Graded Items to Sell in a Livestream or Profile Shop
- Flash Sales
- Understanding Listing Conditions and Expectations on Whatnot
- Apparel on Whatnot: Best Practices
- Multi-Slab Scanning
- Cloning Items
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- How to Create Video Listings [Beta Mode]